For American Rules 6 Wicket Croquet
I am delighted you are interested in knowing more about my new video series. I use a Photoshop template to move balls around while I do an unscripted audio narration of the action. There are many approaches players may take and by no means are my solutions the only ones available. The idea behind the series is for players to download the individual video files to either a Windows or Apple computer. From the computer, I can give advice on how to access them on an Apple iOS device (iPhone/iPad). I will create a video tutorial showing what to do to access them on an iPhone or iPad. While I don't own an Android smartphone or tablet, it's my understanding that it's much easier to download directly to those devices. Whether you're interested in accessing these videos courtside or not, at the very least, please contact: Oakley Woods for a download to print my PDF User Guide which will allow you to set up each scenario (balls, clips, deadness).
There are 12 individual mp4 video files comprising over 90 minutes of content. Two of the 12 videos are given to you gratis. Those are videos 09 and 10. Those two files may be shared. I please ask the other 10 are not to be shared - they must be purchased and may be used only by the purchaser. I appreciate your understanding and respect for my intellectual property rights.
Thank You,
Bob Kroeger